29 June 2009

Photo(s) du jour: pictures of an ordinary sunday.

Song Of The Day: Young Adult Friction

Well, more like... song of the month, been listening the Pains very often last few months, especially when I was riding my bike.

28 June 2009

David Belisle

Michael Stipe by David Belisle.
Please view large.


27 June 2009

Where do we go now?

'Disappointment is the nurse of wisdom', Sir Boyle Roche once said....

I hate it when little, very unimportant disappointments like these are all experienced at the same time. That way they stack up and make you feel like a total loser. Especially when your expectations weren't even that high, but the disappointment still really seems to hit you in the face. This particular thing that made me disappointed is starting to mess with me, it makes the confusion about my feelings I already had worse, and it's getting frustrating.

I also feel stupid and ashamed for having this disappointed feeling, because it's just some little things that someone else wouldn't care about, it's just that they're all coming my way at the same time, which makes me feel sad.

In school I always tried to think negative, so results always turned out better than I expected. But often, outside school, I tend to get too enthusiastic about certain things or expect too much and well... sometimes things just don't turn out the way you want, right? That's just a fact of life, perfection is most of the time unachievable. And I know I could make it better by thinking about things in my life that turned out better than I could ever hope or think about how I can learn from the experienced disappointment(s).
But I also don't think you should always keep your expectations too low, because then you'd lose the ability to feel enthusiasm or hope. You would become a very embittered person, who is not motivated in life.

The confusion about my feelings, that was caused by that one particular disappointment, made me wonder about my purpose. What do I do now?
Because this particular thing changed my original purpose at first, and gave me a feeling of enlightment and hope. It swept me off my normal 'pattern' in life and just the tought of it made me feel good. It was something I thought I deserved. But now it makes me wonder if I should focus on something else and let the whole thing go. It probably wasn't even going to work out anyway, and I knew that from the start, but I still wanted to give myself the opportunity to explore.

So what now?
Try to let it go a little bit I guess, I'm not completely going to forget it, but I'll just try not to think about it too much and focus on the average things in my life and the positive things that are coming up. I should also try to enjoy the happiness that the unexpected sometimes can bring...

24 June 2009

Ik wou dat ik twee burgers was, dan kon ik samenleven.

Dit gedicht hangt al een paar maanden op in mijn kamer, maar het blijft mooier als de heer Nasr het zelf voordraagt. Jammer dat je geen youtube filmpjes in je kamer kan ophangen.

23 June 2009

Sometimes there just isn't enough vomit in the world...

I don't recall I've ever seen anything more pathetic in my life than what I saw today: a girl smoking a cigarette, while she was riding a horse.....
It would be totally fine, if you're a character in a spaghetti western by Sergio Leone. But it's not when you're a trimsuit wearing white trash girl with fake blonde hair.

I was hoping 'the man with no name' would show up, pull out his gun and shoot her in the face, but alas.....

21 June 2009

Science Rocks!

pas zag ik de aflevering waarin mythbusters Jamie en Adam het 'cola + mentos = fontein' fenomeen behandelden, ze richtten hun onderzoek vooral op de verklaringen voor de reactie die mentos en cola met elkaar hebben. hierna gingen ze op zoek naar manieren om te concurreren met deze hype. het gevolg was een enorme kolom van bubbels, veroorzaakt door een combinatie van zeepwater en methaan. methaan is lichter dan lucht, en veroorzaakt zo een kolom van bubbels als je het in een emmer zeepwater doet, en om het nog wat spectaculairder te maken kan je deze kolom ook nog in de fik zetten:

and this is why science is awesome.