Tonight, Torchwood's 3th season premiers! I can't wait to see it, cause I'm quite a fan.
For those of you who don't know the show: Torchwood is a sci-fi Doctor Who-spinoff, shown on the BBC. It's a little less family and a bit more adult, so it's more violent and more sexed up than doctor who. It's about the fictional Torchwood institute, based in Cardiff. Torchwood hunts down aliens and sends them back to were they came from, or kill them. The team consists of Captain Jack Harkness, played by the flamboyant John Barrowman, Ianto Jones (Gareth David-Lloyd) and Gwen Cooper (Eve Myles) and, untill last season, in which they both died: Owen Harper (Burn Gorman) and Toshiko Sato (Naoko Mori).
While the previous series both consisted of 13 episodes, season 3 is a miniseries as it consists of only 5 episodes. The serial, named 'Children Of The Earth', is about a government who struck a deal in the 1960s with an alien race and the consequences of it - something that will affect all the children on Earth. It features CGI aliens called The 456 who are introduced in the third episode. The story further establishes the romantic relationship between Jack and Ianto and how Gwen and Rhys cope with married life around Torchwood "as Rhys potentially becomes the fourth member of the team."
Apparently we also get to see some of Iantos and Jacks family.
I especially can't wait for the development on the Jack/Ianto front, hehe ;)
Watch the trailer for season 3 here:
Season 3 will be shown this whole week, so be sure to tune in on BBC1 every night!
9 pm for UK
10 pm for the Netherlands
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