It's good to be back in my old room though, sleeping peacefully in a non-squeking, soft bed for the first time in 3 months was quite enjoyable. Spent yesterday afternoon listening to the new Los Campesinos! album 'Romance Is Boring' (out next year) I love it already, it's great, especially the songs 'Romance Is Boring', 'The Sea Is A Good Place To Think Of The Future' and 'Straight In At 101'. Some great lyrics again (from Straight In At 101):
I think we need more post-coital
And less post-rock
Feels like the build up takes forever
But you never get me off
I phoned my friends and family
To gather round the television
The talking heads count down the most heart-wrenching breakups of all time
Imagine the great sense of waste
The indignity, the embarrassment
When not a single one of that whole century
Was mine
On another note, I started wondering whether I should think about getting a new or an extra book case, since it's completely full now. (yes I could stack everything up, but thats just not usefull, and I love alphabetizing - dont now whether thats even a word - my books and dvds [yes I might have an OCD when it comes to that, SO WHAT]). Evidence of the state of utter boredom I've been in since I came home:
And as for my parents' pre-Christmas break in London; it was OK. After 4 days with them in a room I'm really glad I now can sit on my own in my old room the whole day. (They really took over my room by the way, why the fuck is there a miniature christmas tree in my room? and what is that old computer of theirs suddenly doing here?)
I was supposed to meet my parents on sunday night at the hotel, near Victoria station, but at first their flight was delayed, so I was sitting there in the hotel lobby, waiting for a few hours. Then they texted that the flight was cancelled because of a blizzard, and they had to take a plane the next morning, so I checked myself in and just stayed on my own in the hotel room.
Over the few days I just showed them around the city a bit, drank beer at their expenses and had the chance to do some photography, as I was allowed to be a tourist for a few days ;) Just visited the regular tourists attractions; Big Ben, Houses of Parliament, London Eye, Trafalgar Square by night, Oxford Street, Picadilly Circus by night, the National Gallery, Tower Bridge, St Pauls and the Arsenal Stadium.
Pictures will follow at some point, I'm not saying when, since I still haven't worked on all those other pictures from November untill my move to London.
I also managed to waste an evening travelling to Pure Groove Records. I wanted to see Comanechi, which according to the Pure Groove website, would start at 9 pm. So I dumped my parents at the hotel and went all the way to Pure Groove. There were not many people, but the band was walking around there, so I thought, mmm kay, they'll probably start in a minute and I sat down with a paper. Then I started noticing that it seemed the guy from the band was clearing the stage, rather than putting up the equipment, so that's when I started having doubts on whether they might have already played or not.... Next minute, a girl and a boy came in, and then I heard the boy saying to the girl: 'We've missed them, they've played already', or something along those lines, and he sat down opposite me, while the girl went to the toilet. So he started asking if they were any good, and I confessed that it seemed I missed them aswell. We had a bit of a chat and he thought I was from South-Africa, which might be a clue for me to work on my accent -.-
On the topic of Pure Groove Records; I found some videos from the Slow Club instore on youtube. And to put you all in the Christmas spirit: this is the last song they played, off stage, in the middle of the store (you can see [a silhouet of] me behind Charles, right from the pillar):
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