Linda had a mug with her that said: 'Go green: fuck a vegetarian', and this had to be signed by Gareth as well, and suprisingly enough he didn't seem to find it rather peculiar.... or maybe he did, but didn't show it, haha.
When I moved here I was hoping to make a lot of English friends, but I didn't (yet)... maybe because I'm usually not someone who just goes up to people and talk to them... and studying in an international school doesn't exactly help either. But last friday after the Let's Wrestle instore at Flashback Records (where they handed out free beer, yes you heard that correct, FREE BEER. IN. RECORD STORE. now that's what I call service) some people invited me to join them for a beer in the pub, which was really nice. The next day I met them again, as we all happened to be going to the Real Estate gig at the Lexington.
Mandy was in London with her school this week, we saw each other on Wednesday and it was insane. We met up in Camden and walked around there and in the centre for a bit, had a pint in a pub in Soho and then all the good fun started when she and her friends managed to smuggle me into their hostel (you had to show you pass everywhere). We spend the whole night creeping around in the hostel and drinking in the bar. One guy was completely off his head (probably after taking some pills) and thought he was on Ibiza.
Their teachers must be the most crazy ones in the world, one of them went out of the hostel at 3 or something, trying to find a store because he wanted more booze. A while later someone went outside and found him downing a bottle of vodka.
At 3 am I found myself eating microwave-paella with some people I didn't know (and who were extremely drunk or high, or both). At 5 am we (the die hards; mandy, roxy and me) decided to go to sleep finally, I ended up crashing on the floor in their room, provided with a little bed made from sheets by Roxy. The slightly less fun part: 3 hours later I showed up at school, looking utterly disgusting and smelling horrible.
In film club this week we watched My Beautiful Laundrette, featuring a young Daniel Day Lewis, who resembled a young Morrissey, he looked gorgeous:
Yesterday I had another party-night. A swedish girl from school was throwing a party at her appartment. Beforehand I went to Robert and Richard's appartment, Richard showed me his newly invented dancemoves and his feminine/vain side: he uses (pink!) hair straighteners.... The party was fun, everyone was sort off drunk. Nothing got broken, though. Atleast... as far as I know.
I was planning on going home that night, but when I looked at the time at some point, I saw it was already 3 am... So again, I crashed on the floor, this time at Robert and Richard's appartment. This floor was less comfortable, as it was a wooden floor (or 'tree floor' as Richard calls it) and I had to use my coat as a blanket.
So that is basically the lesson I learned this week; carpet floors are more comfortable to sleep on than wooden floors.
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